BME Traffic Lab Research Topics

Mesoscopic V2X simulation framework to enhance simulation performance

The field of connected vehicles is experiencing significant growth, with an increasing number of features being introduced as the technology advances. A rise in the complexity of inter-vehicle functions accompanies this expansion in market penetration. The primary goal of these advancements is to achieve fully autonomous traffic systems that ensure physical safety and address privacy […]

Date: 30/07/2024 | 1:35 PM | Read more >

A Python tool for SUMO traffic simulation to model Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) for comprehensive emission analysis

Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) play a crucial role in sustainable transportation, enhancing fuel efficiency and lowering emissions relative to traditional combustion engine vehicles. As the transportation sector greatly impacts global energy use and emissions, advancing HEV technology and its integration into traffic systems is key. This project seeks to develop an adaptable HEV engine/fuel consumption […]

Date: 30/04/2024 | 9:32 AM | Read more >

A Python tool for SUMO traffic simulation to model start-stop system for comprehensive emission analysis

Vehicle emissions have become a hot topic in recent years, especially due to their impact on air quality and the environment. Emissions produced by vehicles include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), hydrocarbons (HC), and carbon dioxide (CO2), which are all harmful to the environment and human health. The burning of fossil […]

Date: 16/02/2024 | 6:30 PM | Read more >

Reinforcement Learning based Traffic Control: Intersection and Network Level Solutions

In our latest research, two Reinforcement Learning (RL) based traffic control solutions applicable in urban traffic network considering future highly automated cars are presented. On the one hand, RL is applied for Variable Speed Limit (VSL) control for urban intersection. Instead of developing yet another adaptive traffic light, a novel approach is introduced where only […]

Date: 04/01/2024 | 10:39 AM | Read more >

Measurement of V2X communication on the Hungarian M0 motorway using PKI technology

Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology paves the way for a new realm of possibilities in the development of autonomous vehicles and traffic systems. This cutting-edge solution adds an extra layer to autonomous technology, enabling crucial data sharing. This step is essential for achieving fully autonomous traffic while prioritizing safety and security. Despite the availability of the technology, […]

Date: 06/10/2023 | 6:32 PM | Read more >

Future Traffic Light Control System: innovation and security in the ZalaZONE Smart City Project 

Traffic is a dynamic and complex system, where traffic lights are essential elements to ensure smooth and safe traffic flow. In the ZalaZONE Smart City project, our aim is to develop a new traffic light control system that is not only reliable and efficient, but also flexible. This advanced control system and the steps we […]

Date: 13/09/2023 | 3:48 PM | Read more >

The importance of V2X simulation: an in-depth comparison of intersection control algorithms
using a high-fidelity communication simulation

The rapid evolution of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication opens doors to various control algorithms, one particular domain being intersection control. Several researchers have proposed communication-based intersection control algorithms omitting traditional traffic lights with the promise of enhanced throughput and improved traffic safety. On the other hand, the majority of these algorithms ignore the uncertainties and […]

Date: 11/09/2023 | 5:38 PM | Read more >

Mesoscopic traffic simulation to speed up EGO vehicle-centric simulation

Simulation-based testing of classical driver assistance functions (ABS, ESP) involves mainly the EGO vehicle and some dummy objects. Specifying the scenario in simulation is simple. However, testing complex, cooperative, or perception-based driver assistance functions (e.g., a traffic jam pilot) requires many vehicles inside the simulation. Therefore, microscopic traffic simulation is often used together with vehicle […]

Date: 20/02/2023 | 12:06 PM | Read more >

Digital Twin of a road with the help of OpenCRG

The usage of sophisticated testing methods such as Vehicle-in-the-Loop, Scenario-in-the-Loop, and other mixed-reality systems is becoming inevitable in autonomous vehicle development. These methods rely on using digital twins, realistic representations of real vehicles and their environment (e.g. road, traffic) in a carefully built virtual world. If the testing task is such (e.g., vehicle dynamics simulation), […]

Date: 08/02/2023 | 10:26 AM | Read more >

Wireless and Distributed Intelligent Signal Heads

The traditional traffic signal system with a central traffic controller cabled to all signal heads can be replaced by intelligent („smart”) signal heads realizing a wireless and distributed traffic signal control. – Instead of a central traffic controller the built-in logics of the signal heads provide the safe distributed operation for traffic signal control via […]

Date: 07/02/2023 | 4:27 PM | Read more >

Vissim COM Programming

If you find the following documents useful, please, cite one of our papers in your publication, e.g. VISSIM-MATLAB Simulation Environment. A practical manual for Vissim COM programming in Matlab and Python for Vissim version 2023 A practical manual for Vissim COM programming in Matlab and Python for Vissim version 2020 and 2021 A practical manual for […]

Date: 07/02/2023 | 4:12 PM | Read more >

“Vehicle-in-the-Loop” testing environment for autonomous cars

Vehicle-In-the-Loop Test Environment for Autonomous Driving with SUMO Microscopic Traffic Simulation Vehicle-in-the-Loop (ViL) simulation test in ZalaZone test track – Autonomous Valet Parking Demo Related publicatinos:

Date: 07/02/2023 | 4:03 PM | Read more >

Urban Traffic Control for Autonomous Vehicles

A two-layer traffic control method is proposed to obtain an efficient traffic flow by removal of traffic light and velocity optimization of each individual vehicle in the vicinity of each junction and prioritizing the links to influence the traffic flow. The link prioritization is used for the macroscopic optimization of the system while the junction […]

Date: 07/02/2023 | 3:55 PM | Read more >

SUMO / TRACI / VEINS / INET / OMNET++ Programming

SUMO-TraCI is an important tool to utilize the V2X communication simulation system. Some helpful content to understand TraCI are provided below (both for Matlab and Python solutions). The beginning steps of SUMO TRACI programming with Matlab The beginning steps of SUMO TRACI programming with Python Simple example code with Matlab Simple example code with Python […]

Date: 07/02/2023 | 3:49 PM | Read more >

Connecting SUMO with Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) through Simulink

In recent years, co-simulation became an exciting area in the industry as well as in the industry. The aim of co-simulation is to create synergies between different simulation software. In the following example, the traffic simulator SUMO is connected to a visualization module built in Unreal Engine 4, through Simulink. SUMO is an open-source traffic […]

Date: 07/02/2023 | 3:19 PM | Read more >
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